A. During our first 1 ½ years of testing, I had 3 “beta test” agents from the same office using the newsletter at the same time. They all knew about the others, and none of them had any overlap or problems with the other agents sending the newsletter.
The “territory” issue has never been a problem because each agent sends the newsletter to his or her own “Power List.” And since it’s impossible to control WHERE an agent will send their newsletter (a few send theirs across the country to family), “guaranteeing” exclusive territories would be impossible (WARNING: any newsletter or marketing tool that “guarantees” you an exclusive territory is promising something they cannot deliver!).
But since some agents may want to farm using the newsletter, I didn’t want to “flood” your market with a bunch of agents using the same tool.
So we decided to manage the number of agents using this tool in each area. We do this by minimizing the number of agents per zip code – depending on the density of the area. For example, a zip code in New York city will allow more agents than 8 zip codes in, say, rural Iowa. It’s NOT a perfect science, but we do try to avoid having many agents using the same marketing tool in one area.