I get this question a lot. And it’s a good one. My answer is this…
The Problem Isn’t That You’re Spending Too Much Money,
The Problem Is You’re Getting NO RESULTS!
Think about this…
If you knew for every $1 you spent on marketing, you got back $2 or $3 or $5 in sales, you’d spend marketing money day and night, right? You’d beg, borrow and steal to invest into marketing…BECAUSE IT’S MULTIPLYING YOUR INVESTMENT.
So the problem isn’t the amount of money you spend – it’s the results you’re NOT getting.
That’s why I’ve spent the last 18 years working with agents around the country TESTING our marketing systems. Plus, I KNOW what we give you works, because I’ve made my entire living over the past 36 years using the same formula I’m going to share with you. Want Proof?
Think about this…Just ONE of the very same Lead Generating systems I’ll teach you – ACTUALLY MOTIVATED YOU TO CONTACT ME!
And you DID originally contact me, remember? The proof is in the pudding. Again, lead generation is just ONE system out of 131 I’ll show you.
Now, I also understand you might be on a limited budget. Successful marketing DOES NOT mandate you spend a lot of money. In fact, you’ll probably get better results by spending LESS money than you think.
For example, creating an automated “hotline” system can be done for as little as $30 a month. And building a database and using specific referral systems will cost you only a little time – and perhaps a few photocopies and postage stamps. Plus, there are dozens of systems that are FREE or low-cost, including…
2 New Clients For Less Than $20!
One agent reported getting 2 new clients using our “Premier Properties Flyer System” (Step 2 system) costing him less than $20 to make.