Once you upload your logo under My Profile, the only place it's added automatically is to the email version of your newsletter. If you'd like to add your logo, or any other image to your newsletter, you have two options.
1. Add as an image. Easiest and best way- allows you to resize. Click the box where you want to add your logo in the print version (remember, the email already has your logo at the top). Click the little photo image, and a window pops up. Choose the source, and browse for your logo on your computer. Of course, you have to have your logo saved on your computer first. Then, you can resize by changing the numbers in the size box (around 150px is usually a good size to start with):
2. Add a merge tag for the logo or your profile picture. Does not allow resizing. Merge tags merge your profile info into the document you've created (read more about them here: https://agentinnercircle.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/categories/360000940253-SFL-Member-s-Area-Help-Topics)
You can choose a spot that you want the logo in, click Edit to edit the box where you want it, then type in the merge tag for the logo like this (the only problem with this is you can't resize the image: